Presenters and Practitioners

Rev. ellen bourn

Rev. Ellen Bourn is a past President of the Lily Dale Assembly. She has hosted the radio show “Cosmic Connections” on WWKB Radio. Ellen has worked for many years as an R.N., Medical Intuitive, Medium, Homeopath, and Psychic. Ellen’s range of skills have brought her clients from all walks of life and varied professions from around the world. Her experiences have cultivated a rich and diverse perspective to her readings, development classes and spiritual guidance. She is a summer resident of Lily Dale, NY. For more information about Rev. Ellen, please visit her website at

Laurynne Casey

Hi, I’m Laurynne and I am a fantasy artist and fortune teller in Buffalo NY.

I’ve been a practitioner of mostly solitary magic for about 20 years, beginning in early adolescence as an escape from trauma. My path over the last two decades has led me to many schools of magic, such as seidhr, strega, psychonautry, and thelema.

As a result of my beginnings in magic, much of my magical practice and fortune telling for clients centers around healing the inner child and rebuilding the phoenix inside from the ashes of the past.

My fantasy art also centers around the idea of finding the magic within— I have been drawing and painting portraits of friends and loved ones ever since I can remember, and have had paintings of different styles displayed at a few showings so far, including at a humanitarian benefit to end human trafficking on a local level.

Fun fact– I am currently working on a tarot based oracle for overcoming trauma.


$25 per 15mins

Thursday walk ins or by appointment

I specialize in card reading, but am also proficient in runes, charms, and direct messages and encouragement from the divine. I combine many methods of channeling in my fortune telling, and every session is unique.

 I can connect with an individual entity if requested with my divination tools, such as angels or deities, please book at least 30 minutes for this service.

I don’t contact the dead for clients, although I can guide you in how to do so yourself during the time of the appointment.

Come stop in and sit for a spell! I can’t wait to meet you at the Point!

Jessica smith

Jessica has been an intuitive tarot and oracle card reader since she was 19. Her readings aid people in connecting to the deeper parts of the self, and draw out what was in the dark into the light. Jessica’s readings are especially helpful with those who are doing shadow work. She also is a working/practicing Reiki Master/Teacher with several years of experience in helping with healing energetic imbalances within the body that can cause dis-ease. Her reiki treatments also aid with migraines, anxiety, depression, self worth, lethargy, pain, post op healing, brain fog etc. Jessica is currently working towards her Spiritual Life Coach Certification.”

Here is a link to her Linktree page:

Aidalicia Morales

Aidalicia Morales is generational witch, psychic, medium and channel. She has expanded her awareness of self and is also an energy Master-instructor/teacher.
Holding certification as a Reiki MasterTeacher-practitioner( in Usui, Karuna ki, crystal, Seichem reiki), Intergrated energy therapy ®️ (master instructor), angel tarot&oracle reader(Melaniebeckler), and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (Dolores Cannon technique).

Aidalicia is multidimensional healer – channel and artist. She has her own growing business. (Through social media.) Where she also shares her sacred creations. Called “Aida’s HealingCreations”. Her goals are to help other beings on their journey and in their power to healing self. As well as traveling as the free spirit she is, learning, teaching and exploring.
Her inspiration for her path and practice are her beautiful gifted and special needs children. ❤️